Preference based scoring algorithms for KHQ questionnaire for calculating QALYs

The algorithm presented here provides a means of converting the King's Health Questionnaire into a preference-based single index measure of health that can be used to obtain quality adjusted life years (QALYs) from KHQ data for use in cost utility analysis.
Technology No.

The King’s Health Questionnaire was designed to assess the quality of life of women with urinary incontinence and LUTS (Kelleher et al, 1997).  It has 21 items covering 8 dimensions of health and each domain has a score of 0 to 100 of health (see attached for scoring algorithm).

Whilst such scores provide an excellent means for judging the effectiveness of health care interventions, they have only a limited application in economic evaluation because they are not based on preferences. The algorithm presented here provides a means of converting the KHQ into a preference-based single index measure of health that can be used to obtain quality adjusted life years (QALYs) from KHQ data for use in cost utility analysis.

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