Pathogenesis™ - Digital pathology platform
A digital histology platform for use in training, education, conferences and events.

The advent of digital pathology has transformed this area of histopathology by allowing pathology slides to be scanned by high resolution scanners producing a whole slide image (WSI). This allows easy sharing of slides and access to pathology images using computers and smart devices, especially useful for the training and education of students and pathology trainees. Furthermore, digital pathology and access to WSI also allows remote discussion of cases facilitating a wide range of online educational events. The School of Clinical Dentistry, University of Sheffield has been at the forefront of this digital revolution being the first UK institute to adapt a fully digital microscopy undergraduate course which has been run successfully since 2007 and have also been actively involved in further research and optimisation into this area both for didactic teaching and clinical training.
The Pathogenesis™ platform
Pathogenesis™ is a bespoke virtual and digital pathology platform which delivers a seamless and interactive digital pathology portal. It has been designed to run local training and educational courses and events as well as facilitate other pathology-related conferences and similar events. Pathogenesis™ has been designed from the bottom-up as a sustainable, easy-to-use platform with applicability for any medical or dental school (undergraduate and postgraduate) and other courses, events or conferences.
Features included
- Shareable collections of the hosted images (public or password protected)
- Customisable quizzes for events and courses based on the collections and other associated clinical or radiological images. The interface allows for students/attendees to provide free-text answers
- Functionality for the course/event leader to view and download reports containing the responses to their question sets
- Hosting service for scanned images
- Input from our team of clinical and software experts
Example Uses
- University education, e.g. delivery of undergraduate or postgraduate courses and seminars.
- Conference/event organisation
Software as a Service (SaaS) licences are available for purchase by both commercial and non-commercial organisations.
The following set licence packages are available with the specified additional services:
- Licence A: Academic use, 1 year access to Pathogenesis™ with support for the provision of up to 5 quizzes during the term (maximum 50 total questions/slides across the different quizzes). Cost: £3000
- Licence B: Academic use, 1 year access to Pathogenesis™ with support for the provision of up to 10 quizzes during the term (maximum 100 total questions/slides across the different quizzes). Cost: £5000
- Licence C: Single event use (not-for-profit customer, event not commercially sponsored), 3 month access to Pathogenesis™ with support for the provision of 1 quiz (up to 20 questions/slides) during the event, max 100 attendees. Cost: £1750
- Licence D: Single event use - Other/Custom (e.g. commercial customer/commercially sponsored event; or not-for-profit customer for >1 quiz/>100 attendees). 3 month access to Pathogenesis™ with support for the provision of a specified number of quizzes during the event. Cost: Price on application (POA) - Please add this licence to your cart and complete the checkout questions and you will be contacted with a quotation or to otherwise discuss your licence requirements.
- Licence E: CDP group use, 1 year access to Pathogenesis™ with support for the provision of a specified number of quizzes during the term. Cost: POA - Please add this licence to your cart and complete the checkout questions and you will be contacted with a quotation or to otherwise discuss your licence requirements.
Please note that for all licences, the licence terms and conditions must be approved by an authorised signatory from the host organisation.
Other licences, based on individual requirements for the provided service, may be made available on request. Please click ‘Contact Us’ and send an explanation of your intended use. You will then be contacted by a member of our team to discuss further and supply a quotation which will take into consideration, for example, the intended use, number of quizzes, number of hosted images and number of anticipated users.
Please note that we require licences to be purchased at least 2 months before the start of your course/event.
Checkout questions
Recipients are asked to answer a number of questions around their specific requirements and intended usage for the Pathogenesis™ platform. These answers will help us ensure you have selected the most appropriate licence package and some answers will be referenced in the associated licence.
Teaching, Training, education, seminar, digital histology, digital pathology, digital microscopy, histopathology, online, cloud-based, Software as a service, SaaS
Further information
Further information can be found on the Pathogenesis™ home page at:
Further information on the research group may be found at:
swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (2)Ali KhurramAshley Towers
swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)Product brochurePathogenesis™ - Digital pathology platform.pdfAdditional files may be available once you've completed the transaction for this product. If you've already done so, please log into your account and visit My account / Downloads section to view them.